
Vintage Coat Project

Posted on: February 5, 2011

Ive been asked to line a beautiful vintage coat. I plan on using the draping method. This blog will demonstrate the progress from start to satisfied client finish.

Images of the coat inside and out

View of old lining from the back

The original lining will be pulled from coat. There is a wonderful large-weave interface underneath that I will keep. It appears to be in great shape. Images on this interfacing soon.

The lining’s cut is unique by contemporary standards. Cant wait to rip away, press and prep as pattern for new lining.

Did I say I was going to drape.? Well, I’ll drape something else another time.  Id rather flat pattern the piece. Following original lines will keep the vintage authenticity pure.

The satisfaction of reproducing vintage clothing is rewarding. Deviating from this somehow takes away from the beauty & quality of the coats original life. Wouldn’t you agree?

Back image of Vintage Coat. The outer black lining has been removed. The original large weave inner facing will stay. If you notice in the images below, we will need to rip the black lining away from the weaved inner lining. No problem! 🙂

Lining and inner lining partially exposed The next step is to rip this portion separate! I can then take the black lining, rip that apart, press and prepare for new pattern This particular lining has interesting cuts. We can explore this design further.

Stay tune!

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